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WiseSol – 1st generation 

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WiseHeater Basic

Cost-effective and efficient solution for lower floors

WISEHEATER Basic system includes WISEHEATER and a 4-outlet tank that provides an efficient energy solution for heating water on lower floors and complies with the planning and building regulations for water heating in residential buildings.


It is based on advanced technology for converting surplus heat to achieve an energy efficiency of COP>3.1. This efficiency is reflected in a ten percent lower electricity consumption compared to conventional systems installed in standard tanks.

WiseHeater Basic

The system is lightweight and compact, installed next to the tank as an independent unit. Therefore, in the event of a malfunction or tank explosion, there is no need to replace the entire system, only the tank itself. It complies with Standard 5281 for green construction and saves apartment owners ten percent on electricity costs for water heating. Saves up to 75% of energy’s cost

Cloud base management system & global control with all installed WiseHeaters

​Collecting & analyzing real-time data

Provides recommendations for improving energy consumption

Alerting - Notifying inefficient behavior and water problems

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The advanced and green way to heat multi-story buildings

WISWHEATER Collective provides your residents with more energy for water heating in apartments at a lower cost while saving you from common issues and damages that usually occur in riser pipes.


The photovoltaic panels take up less space on the roof compared to old solar collectors but provide higher energy output. The new panels only require sunlight, not direct sunlight, so they heat water year-round, even on cold days, reducing residents' electricity bills.

WiseHeater collective

Connected to the panels is WISESOL's unique conversion system, WISEHEATER, which efficiently converts electricity to heat and controls water temperature in the riser pipes. This shared system is easy to install, compact, reduces issues and damage to pipes, and earns the building a high-energy rating and green points for subsidies and tax benefits. Managed by the homeowners' association or management company, it complies with regulations for residential water heating up to 29 meters and in buildings with 35 floors or more.

Cloud base management system & global control with all installed WiseHeaters

​Collecting & analyzing real-time data

Provides recommendations for improving energy consumption

Alerting - Notifying inefficient behavior and water problems

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VIP Water Heating for Apartments

An efficient private water heating system for modern and advanced apartments. The system includes photovoltaic panels, a WISEHEATER premium system, and a dual-outlet tank. It provides the apartment with more energy at a significantly lower cost thanks to the photovoltaic panel, which only requires sunlight, not direct sunlight (heating water all year round), and the smart WISEHEATER  system itself - an efficient and controlled water heating system.

WiseHeater Premium

WISEHEATER Premium is lightweight and compact, allowing easy installation next to the tank, eliminating the need for a shared riser with other residents, and enabling water heating control via a dedicated app.

Cloud base management system & global control with all installed WiseHeaters

​Collecting & analyzing real-time data

Provides recommendations for improving energy consumption

Alerting - Notifying inefficient behavior and water problems

WiseSol – 2st generation -
off-grid stand alone solutions

WiseHeater Consumption Water
WiseHeater Consumption Water

The internal storage system is designed to conserve energy while providing endless constant hot water, offering various tank sizes.

WiseHeater Climate solution
WiseHeater Climate solution

Various options of connectivity to existing residential systems, along with an adjustable size heat pump to meet specific requirements.

WiseHeater Pool
WiseHeater Pool

Water quality detection is integrated, and the system can control peripheral devices with push notification capabilities.

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